Dignity Action Day

Ruth Hollebon  

Today, the 1st February, is Dignity Action Day. This day is designed to focus on the value of each individual life, and how everyone should be able to live their life with dignity and receive the care and support they need. For those who are vulnerable, such as the elderly and disabled, care should be catered to the individual to allow them to live as independently and as dignified as those who do not need to receive care.

However, this is too often not the case. I have experienced the devastating impact of care where I have not been treated with dignity; where I have not been given independence or choice about what I want to achieve and do in my life.

I am reposting this poem that I wrote. Please read and share on this day to spread the message that all of us should be treated with dignity.

Video transcript:

Respect my humanity by Grace Thompson 

I am fully human.

I don’t not need to do anything or achieve anything to prove my worth.

I deserve to be supported to live a meaningful and purposeful life (whatever that means for me).

I am me in my difficulties and my strengths.

I have my own thoughts feelings and dreams. 

I do not need to be “normal” to be of value.

I am not defined by ableism and disablism.

I am not limited by the judgement of others. 

I am loved more than I know. 

I am not trapped by my history.

I am free to be me.

I will not be caged by society. 

I am allowed to make mistakes.

I am not a burden for needing a high level of support. 

I will take responsibility for the things I can control.

I will not be Blamed for things I cannot control. 

I will communicate in many different ways

I should be respected and supported in my communication.  

I have a right to access education, my community and recreational activities.

I am not alone

I belong on this earth.

I am a child on God.

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